In 1966 Aelfthryth with John and the young Danny travelled by boat to Chile,
where John (with Richard Gott) was helping the Chilean scholar Claudio Veliz to set up a new Institute of International Affairs
at the University of Chile in Santiago. In 1967, with
baby Tom (born in Chile), the family explored southern Chile, and later travelled to La Paz by train from Arica, crossed Lake
Titicaca into Peru and visited Machu Picchu and Cuzco. We travelled – as we informed anxious parents in UK -- “with
100 disposable nappies, pushchair, portable cot, countless string bags and
bottles for boiled water, 12 tins of Ideal Milk, etc. Everyone here [Santiago]
is horrified, but we are excited”.
In 1968 John became a commentator on China for the Far
Eastern Economic Review in Hong Kong. We lived in the clouds on Lugard Road, and commuted into central Hong Kong by the Peak
Tram. Aelfthryth taught English in Kowloon, and declined to have a living-in "amah". In 1969 the family travelled back
to England via the Soviet Union, taking the trans-Siberian from Nakhodka in the Soviet Far East.