John Gittings

Journal articles

Peace writings
Journal articles
Newspaper articles
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RED GUARDS AND VIOLENCE: Review of Andrew Walder's Fractured Rebellion: The Beijing Red Guard Movement, in The China Beat, March 2010.

TIBET AND THE CHINESE REVOLUTION: Review of two new books from Verso on Tibet and China,  The Guardian, 3 April 2010.

"WOMEN OF THE REVOLUTION", a review of three fascinating though very different books on the experiences of modern Chinese women, The Guardian, 6 June 2009.
"HERE BE DRAGONS!" a review of eight recent books on China, all by a strange coincidence containing the word dragon in their title, The Guardian, 5 April 2008. 
2007   " International Relations (David Davies International Institute),  2007, 21: pp. 387-410

2007  "A Historical View of Western Reporting in China", China Media Research, 3(1), 2007, pp. 61-64. 

2006 (a) "In memory of Yan Huizhu",  an investigation into the life and death of a Shanghai opera star who committed suicide in the Cultural Revolution South China Morning Post, 11 September 2006.

(b)  "Long Live the People",  China Review,  No. 34, February 2006, a history of this simple revolutionary slogan -- yet one rarely heard under Chinese communist rule.

2005  (a) "Looking at China",   Soundings (London), No. 30, 2005, pp. 98-110

(b) "Half a superpower", New Statesman (London), 1 January 2005 (in China 2005 feature).

(c) "From Mao to the Market: China special issue" (ed.), Red Pepper", No. 136, December 2005

2004 (a) "Would he have been better?", London Review of Books, 4 March 2004 (review of Jonathan Fenby, Generalissimo:Chiang Kai-shek and the China he lost).

(b) "Letter from Changzhou: Confidence on the Yangtze,  China Review (London: Great Britain-China Centre), Spring 2004.

(c) "Spreading tinder over dry scrub", London Review of Books, 8 July 2004 (review of Wang Chaohua, ed., One China Many Paths 

2002 "China's Search for International Status and US-China Relations" (paper to People's University, Beijing)

2000 (a) "Fever Pitch", Index on Censorship, 3/2000

(b) "Lost Souls", Guardian Weekend, August 5, (the story of CIM missionaries Anna Jakobsen and Sarah Young)

1999-2003 (a) "Inside Asia": fortnightly column in The Guardian Weekly

1998 (a) "We should not forget Hong Kong", The World Today 54:4 (London: RIIA)

(b) "Cost of a miracle" in Bell & Webb eds., An Embarrassment of Tyrannies: 25 Years of Index Against Censorship (London: Gollancz)

1997 "Reconciliation in Europe: Lessons for Asia", in Chung-in Moon ed., History Cognition and Peace in East Asia (Seoul: Yonsei Univ. Press)

1995 (a) "The Years of Great Debate", The China Quarterly, No. 143 (anniversary edition)

(b) "After Deng", London Review of Books, July  6, 1995

1993  "Understanding Revolutionary China", The China Quarterly, No. 133 (review essay)