The Guardian, September 20, 2003
No one has heard before of Wu Bingyuan, a Chinese worker
executed with a bullet in the back of his head during Mao Zedong's cultural revolution.... We
know next to nothing about the ordinary victims, men and women who defended their ideals against the Maoist dogma.
The Guardian, October 04, 2002
A pre-war Manchester Guardian correspondent who exposed the notorious
Nanjing Massacre by Japan's occupation army in 1937 has become the target of Japanese historians seeking to prove that it
never took place. Harold Timperley chronicled the massacre in his dispatches from Shanghai which were censored by Japanese
officials, provoking a diplomatic protest.
Guardian Weekend
August 06, 2000
In China's Boxer Rebellion a century ago, 180 foreign missionaries
were slaughtered. Here are the stories of two of Jesus's 'pioneers in skirts': one a victim of the massacre, another who managed
to escape, thanks to her 'scandalous' marriage to a Chinese convert.
The Guardian, "G2"
May 31, 1999
Ten years ago this week the world watched in horror as the tanks
rolled into Tiananmen Square. But what happened after the camera crews left? John Gittings tracks the fortunes of four individuals
who dared to defy Beijing
The Observer
March 7, 1999
My pass to the
Chinese National Peoples' Congress has dumped me in a vast building site. It is the eastern side of Tiananmen Square, now
cordoned off for convenient renovation in a year of sensitive anniversaries. Ahead through a cloud
of dust rise the huge lotus columns of the Great Hall of the People, where the People - or 3,000 delegates of what counts
as the Chinese parliament - are gathering to attend the NPC's opening session on Friday.
The Guardian, January 27, 1999
Small groups of middle-aged Beijingers have been visiting remote
villages in northern China in recent weeks, bearing gifts for the peasants and reminiscences of a previous, much longer, stay.
They are former 'educated youth' - a generation of students 'sent down' to the countryside by Mao Zedong 30 years ago.